Posted by: palmettoislandgirl | October 24, 2012

Curious Formation Under Leaf

This year I gave my children, 9th and 11th graders, an assignment to make an almanac of plant,  wildlife and weather/climate on St. Helena Island and nearby locations in general and our homestead in particular.  They began with a photo journal of plants in September.  This week we began a botany project making new plants from taking clippings from a mother plant. We came across a curious formation of seeds underneath a leaf on our Wandering Jew plant.  So I am sharing a picture of our discovery. We are accustomed to seeing spores and eggs but this is a first.  Have you seen this kind of formation under a leaf  before?



  1. YES! But alas I do not know what they are from. My geuss is some caterpillar or moth because we have had sooooo many this year. See mine here…
    Very cool!


    • Wow, thankk for sharing your pictures and comment. A friend who saw the picture asked a friend who is a horticulture student in Germany who says they are the eggs of a type of lacewing and are good to have around because they are predators to aphids. I’m still doing a search too…it’s fun! We’re going to keep a record for school and try to see them hatch if possible. Great to know of someone else who keeps up with these kinds of things. Ciao!


  2. I hope it is the lacewing! I know we have aphids!


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